Mike Monson

Mike Monson for Utah House of Representatives, District 2

Communicator, tireless worker, man of values, a leader.

Campaign Focus


The key to representation is to have communication and transparency with constituents. As a representative of Cache Valley, I will speak frequently with local officials, citizens, and those with expertise in specific areas of need.  This will be accomplished through town meetings, as well as group and individual discussions.  I have always responded to emails, texts and direct conversations, and will continue to acknowledge and respond, in a timely manner, while treating all people with dignity, respect and civility. 


A large part of the Utah budget each year is designated to educate our children. Education is the foundation for success in life. I believe that my 42 years in public education experience, as both a teacher and school administrator will provide a much needed perspective to both educational funding and educational issues. We need to continue our support of K-12 education, state universities and technical colleges. Discussion and legislation continues to try to find ways to support School Boards, Districts, teachers, administrators, parents and children. There is still work to be done with regard to school choice, accountability, curriculum and materials, access for all students, along with funding and structural imbalances. Education is the great equalizer in providing each of our children and grandchildren the opportunity to keep our state and communities economically and civically strong, both now and in the future.

Planning and Growth

Utah is experiencing unprecedented growth in population and the economy. I support local control whenever possible to develop Master plans and zoning to meet the needs of our communities. I support the preservation of green spaces and farmlands, yet recognize the rights of property owners to use lands as seen fit. I support the wisdom of local city governments and planning commissions to meet the needs of their citizens. All must do their part to support affordable housing efforts while making wise decisions to build infrastructure of roads, schools, water and utilities to support the growth. I will work with local cities and towns to provide support and resources wherever possible, Utah is also faced with a number of people that do not have the basic need of shelter.  Homelessness continues to be a problem for many in our state. I support efforts to find housing for those in this unfortunate circumstance, so they can be in a position to contribute to our state. 

Public Safety and Support Services

As the population continues to grow, so does the need for roads and public transportation. We must also address the needs of our justice systems, emergency services, police work and fire departments. Utah faces a growing crisis to find ways to address the high suicide rate (9th in the US) and the protection of families suffering from domestic abuse.  Strong families are the foundation of Utah’s success.  I have witnessed the negative social and emotional scars left from the dilution of strong family structures. I will support legislation to aid those in the service industries that protect and support those in difficult circumstances, so all citizens can enjoy safe living environments.

Natural Resources

Cache Valley is one of the truly remarkable places on earth.  We are surrounded by beautiful mountains and canyons, have easy access to lakes and rivers, and wonderful recreation opportunities. I will support and initiate legislation that supports clean water for the needs of our citizens and irrigation for our farmlands while conserving for our future. We also must continue efforts to reduce pollution and maintain healthy standards of air quality. As a community, we can also find voluntary ways to incentivize energy conservation while meeting the needs of our population.


Family and Interests

Mike and his wife Kris, have been married for 46 years. They have three children and four grandchildren.
Mike and Kris have been avid runners. Mike ran 18 marathons and Kris ran 28. They now do more hiking, biking, skiing, golfing, traveling, gardening, and reading.

With their children, they lived overseas for ten years while Mike was a teacher of high school students on military bases in Okinawa, Japan, London and Cambridge, England and Wurzburg, Germany. Mike also lived in France for two years, serving as a missionary for his church. They now have a small travel trailer and have been to 28 of the 63 national parks, with a goal of visiting them all. They moved to Cache Valley in 1996 and love this place called home.


Mike grew up in Kearns, Utah, and graduated from Kearns High School, where he was the Student Body President. He received a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Utah with a major in Mathematics and a minor in Physical Education. He then received a Master of Education (M. Ed.) degree from Brigham Young University in Mathematics and Curriculum. Later, he received his Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree from Utah State University in Educational Leadership and Curriculum. With this background, he feels that he can honestly be a fan of any team in the state.


Career and Service

Mike is currently retired after spending 42 years following his passion of educating young people. He was a teacher for 16 years and a school administrator for 26 years. He was Principal of Sky View High School in Smithfield upon his retirement. Each of his children and his wife are graduates of Sky View.

During his career he received a number of accolades including Teacher of the Year, Coach of the Year, and Principal of the Year. Mike was selected as Utah’s Assistant Principal of the Year in 2000 and represented the state at the national convention in San Antonio, Texas. He also received a number of state and national recognitions for his school leadership, creative solutions, and innovations to meet the needs of students and teachers.

Mike has also taught a number of workshops and classes for Utah State University and currently serves as a member of the Internal Review Board (IRB) for USU. He did his doctoral research on factors that contribute to resiliency in adults which was groundbreaking research at the time. He has published a number of articles in the educational field.

Mike and Kris have always been active in the community and involved with local politics. Mike has served Smithfield as a Youth Council advisor, the co-chair of Smithfield’s Day of Service, and is currently President of the Smithfield Arts Council. He has been a member of the executive board of the Utah High School Activities Association (UHSAA) and a board member and advisor to a number of local, state, and national educational organizations. He has provided leadership and service to his church and to the Boy Scouts of America.


“Join me in supporting Mike Monson for Utah House of Representatives, District 2. I have known Mike for many years and appreciate the value he places on relationships. Mike is dedicated to Cache Valley and will support and initiate legislation to help make it an even better place to live and raise our families. He will bring fresh perspective and proven effective leadership to Utah’s legislative group. Vote Monson for House!” 
– Sheri Egbert, Smithfield

“We need a strong leader and a REAL Republican in the legislature that will make an impact for us. Mike Monson is that person. Our current House 2 Representative has been at the Capitol for 4 years and we only see him during election time.  We need a Representative that stands up for the growing needs of Northern Cache County. Mike Monson has been involved throughout Cache County in various areas of leadership, community service, and education. Please join us in supporting Mike Monson for House District 2.”
– Nancy & Former State Representative Val Potter, North Logan

“I have enjoyed my association [with Mike] over the past 25 years. He has been an exceptional leader in the Cache County and Logan School Districts. With his strong dedicated leadership and his ability to represent District 2 in the Legislature, he will produce much needed guidance and support to our community.”
– Joel Allred, Hyde Park

“Working closely with Mike for several years, I saw his capacity to communicate effectively with multiple stakeholders with differing points of view and achieve positive outcomes. As a lifelong educator, he has first-hand knowledge of the importance of a quality education for our children. As an avid outdoorsman, he understands the impact of the unprecedented growth both statewide and in our local communities and knows how to successfully navigate the challenges it presents. We need Mike Monson in the House to represent all of us and our best interests.”
– Philip Morris, Hyde Park

“I’ve known Mike for almost 30 years. He is consistently calm and level-headed, with good, practical judgment. He’s not prone to making empty ideological gestures. I think he’ll support education and help keep key decisions at the municipal level.”
– Jim Marshall, Smithfield Planning Commission

“Mike Monson was my high school teacher many years ago, as my father served in the US Air Force overseas.  Mike was a wonderful teacher, but also a mentor and someone I trust. He brought a sense of calm to his students living in a foreign country and had a goodness about him that we all recognized.  I believe as a legislator, he would represent Cache Valley in a trustworthy fashion to meet the needs of the people.”
– Mike Anderson, former student

“I have had the opportunity to work with Mike Monson for many years and have been impressed with his abilities as a communicator and a problem solver. I know him to be a man of character and I believe that he would do a great job representing the constituency of this area with honesty and integrity. I am confident that he would be well informed on the issues and would carefully consider all factors before making decisions. As problems arise, Mike is always open to listen and to learn so that appropriate actions can be taken. I wholeheartedly support Mike Monson for the Utah House of Representatives – District 2.”
– Curt Hanks, North Logan

“Without involvement, there is no commitment”

Stephen Covey

Mike Monson — a retired educator, a father and grandfather, and an active participant in community service — needs your vote!

Vote Mike Monson, Utah House of Representatives, District 2

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